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Nellie Rose King

Inspired by song lyrics, the emotions hidden in words, and her Native American cultural heritage, Wówapi Wasté Winyan, or Nellie Rose King, offers self-divine, a collection of poems in English and Nakoda that investigate the feeling of the word "divinity." In this collection, poetry becomes a vehicle for realizing the importance of the poet's language and heritage, while simultaneously engaging perspectives that exist between the traditions of poetry and Native American culture.

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About the Author

Wówapi Wasté Winyan, or Nellie Rose King, attends high school in North Montana near the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation, home of the Aaniiih and Nakoda tribes. self-divine is her debut collection of poetry, but her work was also featured in two anthologies of student poetry including One Hundred Things I Took the Wrong Way (2021) and In Our Time of Knowing (2022).

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